Home Programs & Services Community Adults & Older Adults

Adults & Older Adults

Langs offers several social, health and recreational programs for adults and older adults at our main site, Grow Community Centre and North Dumfries Community Health Centre. We encourage leadership and skills development in a fun environment. Programs incorporate a variety of activities such as exercise, cooking, crafts, games, nutrition and educational workshops on relevant issues and organizations. Childcare may be available during our programs.

In addition to our core programs, Langs also offers scheduled outings, seasonal trips and first aid courses throughout the year.

Reach out to staff to inquire about programs:
Langs - Tammy tammys@langs.org 
Grow Community Centre & North Dumfries Community Health Centre - Jenna jennach@langs.org 

Refund Policy (click here)

Please see the full list of programs currently being offered below.


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