Carb counting is a meal planning technique to help manage your sugar levels. Learn how to read and understand food labels to make healthier choices. Various dates and times.
Adults, Diabetes, Older Adults
Organizing Site
Langs Main Centre
1145 Concession Road
Cambridge, ON N3H 4L5
Who To Contact
519-653-1470 x 285
Program Location(s)
123 Pioneer Drive, 2nd Floor Shoppers Mart, Unit 204
Kitchener, ON
Langs Main Centre
1145 Concession Road
Cambridge, ON N3H 4L5
Virtual Program
How to Register
New patient? Adults with diabetes or who are at risk for diabetes can self-refer to our program by calling 519-653-1470 x285 or click here to complete an online referral form.
Current patient or a referral within the last year? No additional referral is needed. Please call 519-653-1470 x285 and we will be happy to enroll you in the class.