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Prenatal Clinic
For: Adults
Location: Langs Main Centre, North Dumfries CHC

Prenatal Clinic

The Prenatal Clinic at Langs is available to women in need of prenatal care who do not have a family physician, nurse practitioner, or midwife. The clinic offers comprehensive services, including prenatal care, support, resources, and assistance throughout pregnancy. Our team includes family physicians, nurse practitioners, and nurses, with additional support from social workers and dietitians.


Please note that this is not a walk-in clinic. A referral (self, Emergency Department, walk-in clinic, or other source) is required, and appointments must be scheduled in advance. A dedicated practitioner will oversee your prenatal care until a referral to an obstetrician (OB) is made, typically around 28 weeks of pregnancy. Please bring any recent ultrasound(s) and bloodwork results to your first appointment.


If you experience any pregnancy-related concerns before your appointment, please seek emergency care immediately.


Clinic Locations

This clinic is offered at the Langs Community Health Centre (1145 Concession Road Cambridge, ON) and at the North Dumfries Community Health Centre (2958 Greenfield Road Ayr, ON)


How to Access Care

Patients must be

  • Without a family physician, nurse practitioner, or midwife
  • Resident of Cambridge, Ayr, or North Dumfries township, ON

Self-referral form (online)

Referral form (printable)


If you have accessed care at the Prenatal Clinic, we will reach out by email to receive your confidential feedback. Thank you for taking the time to help us provide quality care.


For more information

Please contact primarycare@langs.org or 519-653-1470 ext 343