Carb counting is a meal planning technique to help manage your sugar levels. Learn how to read and understand food labels to make healthier choices. Various dates and times.
Learn how to manage gestational diabetes for a healthier pregnancy. Classes take place weekly on Zoom and in person. Please contact us to register.
Learn about the various carbohydrates and their sugar content to help make decisions on which foods can help manage your sugars. Offered various dates and times
Learn how to continue a healthy lifestyle after gestational diabetes. This group is offered monthly on various days on Zoom. Contact us to register.
A prediabetes class giving you all the facts on how to improve your blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol to keep diabetes and heart disease at bay. Various days and times.
Learn about the cholesterol in your blood, the types of fat found in food and how this affects your heart health. We provide easy ways to cut down salt and fat in your meals. Various times and dates.
If you are taking insulin, we have simple tools that you can learn to use to safely adjust your daily insulin doses. It is highly recommended to attend the Counting Carbohydrates class prior to this class. Offered various days and times.
Get moving, have fun and get healthy! Exercise is one of the best ways to lower blood sugar, make your heart stronger and feel good!